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Guidelines For Translations

How to tranlate

  • Index pages are in the docs folder the english version is if we like to tranlate to another language we need to name the page index.<language code>.md. For example, the correct codes are in The book images have to be created in a folder in mkdocs with the language code Ex: nl, fr
  • Translation of the menu can be done in mkdocs.yml. Create the option nav_translations: and translate the menu structure. Example:
- locale: nl
  name: Nederlands
  build: true
    Welcome: Welkom
    Getting started: Aan de slag
    The basics: De basis
    Problem detection: Probleem detectie
  • If you like to translate a page then create a file with the same name as the original but add the country code before .md Ex : will become If you don't make screenshots with translations then use the same images in the image dir.
  • If you like to add new screenshots create a new folder image. Ex: image/ becomes

How to write a topic

  • All is written in markdown , HTML is supported but try to avoid if not needed
  • Start the page with the Header #
  • When you write a topic start with an introduction what the topic is about
  • Give an overview of the topics that you will cover
  • Add visuals if possible this explains better to people how things work
  • Create a how to so that people see how they can do this
  • place the images in a /image folder
    • You can use the english screenshots in the image folder or create your own screenshots in local language use /image. ex: /
  • Close every topic with --- this will draw a horizontal line

Translation Table

  • This table can be used to track what has been finished and is ready for translation. For this we mark the page with ✅.
  • Once other languages are translated we mark them with 🏁
  • In case a page gets updated with new information after pages are already translated we mark the page with and remove the 🏁 from the tranlated pages.

  • Webpage is ready for translation: ✅
  • Webpage is translated : 🏁
  • Webpage has been updated after translation:
  • Webpage is still not finished : 🚧

Please don't update this table this is for reference only when doing translations. I will maintain this table when I add new topics or merge changes.

Webpage English French German Italian Dutch Portugese Spanish Thai Chinese
Welcome ✅
Getting started
Requirements ✅
Installing Zabbix DB Server ✅
Installing Zabbix ✅
Configure Zabbix HA ✅
The basics
Zabbix Interface ✅
Zabbix Users & User groups ✅
Zabbix hosts 🚧
Host groups ✅
Interfaces 🚧
Zabbix triggers
Macros ✅ ✅
Data Flow
Data collection
Zabbix Agent 🚧
Problem detection
Taking action when problems come
Event based Actions
Managing permissions
Managing Permissions
Visualising Problems
Visualising our problems
Automating configuration
Automating configuration
VMWare monitoring
VMware monitoring with Zabbix
Monitoring websites
Monitoring websites
Monitoring SNMP, IPMI and JAVA
SNMP Monitoring
SNMP trap monitoring 🚧
JAVA monitoring
IPMI Monitoring 🚧
Authentication with HTTP
Authentication with LDAP
Authentication with SAML
Zabbix MFA support ✅
Monitoring with Proxies
Installing Proxies
Active proxy
Passive proxy
Proxy loadbalancing ✅
Securing Zabbix
Securing Zabbix Frontend 🚧
Securing Zabbix with SELinux
Maintaining Zabbix
Maintaining Zabbix
Monitoring Windows
Monitoring Windows
Zabbix API
Zabbix API
Zabbix extras
Modbus monitoring with Zabbix ✅